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​Your Masarat Journey to Employment​

Requirements to join the program

We look for candidates with:

Strong motivation & ambition to learn

Proficiency in spoken and written English language

Commitment to the duration and demands of the program

Interest in opportunities in the private sector


Eligibility Criteria:

UAE nationals holding a family book

Graduates with Diploma, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree

0 to 1 years of experience

Program Details

Program Launch: March 13, 2023

Format : Hybrid – online and physical workshops

Program Duration: Year-round program; candidates onboarded on a rolling basis.

Training Delivery Language: English

Training Duration: 4 to 8 weeks of training

Fees: Fully funded by Sandooq Al Watan


The Masarat program serves as a career accelerator for Emirati job seekers and provides intensive training programs taught by coaches and industry-recognized mentors to support your success and launch your career in the private sector. For the purpose of assisting you in finding job, Masarat concentrates on bridging the gap between your current knowledge and skills and the competencies demanded by the market. Additionally, it links you up with top-tier private sector employers to assist you in locating appropriate employment possibilities based on your qualifications and preferences.
Masarat is a program that is dedicated to help you succeed on your first day of the job by developing your mindset, motivation, and skills through intense upskilling workshops.

Masarat program will help you:
1) Gain awareness on potential careers & insight into what the private sector’s requirements
2) Enhance your skillset, build your confidence and develop a growth mindset
3) Receive direct access to opportunities & employers
4) Have access to a pool of leading industry experts who can provide you comprehensive career guidance and mentorship
5) Receive tailored curriculum and trainings with ongoing coaching support
6) Build and expand your network
To be eligible for the Masarat program, you will need to meet the following conditions:
1) UAE National with a family book
2) Diploma, or Bachelor’s, or Masters degree graduates
3) 0 to 1 years of experience
4) Motivated & ambitious to learn and grow
5) Proficient in spoken and written English
6) Willing to commit and complete the prgram to help you find full-time employment
The program will follow a clear and simple journey to enable job seekers to get the most out of the program.
Below is the overarching process that will be followed:
1) Confirm your enrolment to the Masarat program by registering to the program through this Link
2) Complete all 3 survey phases and the final 1:1 assessment interview, for selection purposes
3) Once you get selected into the program, you will be able to have visibility to the training agenda
3) Book and attend relevant trainings and coaching sessions
4) Schedule & attend your interviews, well-prepared and committed to the recruitment process
5) Update the Masarat team regarding the outcomes of the interviews and job status

Your Masarat journey to employment is as follows:

1) Discovery & Assessment:

Assess your current skills and job preference, and capture areas to develop
a) Capture your ambition and set career goals
b) Understand your key strengths and areas to develop
c) Develop a career plan and match you to opportunities in the market

2) Qualification:

Receive tailored training, coaching & mentorship
a) Training & workshops to develop foundational skills (hard & soft)
b) Tailored career specific skillsets
c) Coaching sessions to prepare for interviews and long-term success
d) 1:1 mentorship with industry experts to provide ongoing support

3) Employment:

Get employed with the support of Masarat program
a) Direct access to private sector opportunities and employers
b) Support throughout recruitment process to help you secure the job
c) Long-term assistance to ensure your continued success 

If you meet the eligibility criteria (mentioned above), you can apply to the Masarat program through this Link, and following the below steps:
1) Go to the AZM Home page
2) Select “Programs”
3) Select “Masarat Program”
4) then select “Apply to Masarat”
5) Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page, which will divert you to WhatsApp
6) Fill in the survey, then the team will get back to you shortly with the next steps!
Applications for the Masarat program are open throughout the year. However, the registration dealdline is on 28th of February, 2023
Once you apply to the program (as mentioned above), you will go through multiple phases of surveys for us to get to know you better and capture your motivation.
Below will be the process followed:
1) Initial screening of candidate profiles to assess eligibility and fit for the program
2) Second and third assessment phases to evaluate your career preference
3) Interview assessment is the final phase to get to know you better
4) Final phase interview assessment to get to know the candidates better
Trainings will be available all year round and will be delivered in the format of training cohorts. Exact training dates will be shared  upon enrolling and once selected into the program. Candidates will have to complete all 12 modules, as well as they will have access to certified courses (optional) which they can choose from based on their preference
The length of the trainings will depend on each candidate’s training needs and requirements and may differ slightly from candidate to candidate. Trainings have been streamlined and designed in a manner which guarantees maximum value while ensuring not to overload candidates or disrupting their day-to-day life. The timeframe for the training program can range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks, with training sessions and interventions only happening during selected days and timings (6 training hours per week) within that timeframe.
The training program will adopt a hybrid model, where majority of trainings will be delivered in person through physical workshops, while additional learning resources will be provided on a learning management system for reference. Exact locations for physical training workshops will be announced closer to the dates of workshops and we will try to accommodate multiple regions.
The trainings are of two types:
1. Labor market preparation trainings : CV preparation, interview preparation, how to behave and perform on the job, mindset for success, etc.
2.Job-specific trainings: Trainings for particular job roles and industries. Those are highly dependent on the job to which you will apply and may cover modules such as: Communication, Leadership, Effectiveness & Efficiency, Problem Solving, Digital Literacy, Slide Writing, business tools, customer service, sales, etc.
The program is fully funded by Sandooq Al Watan for all eligible candidates to support them on their journey to employment.
 Candidates will be receiving a certificate upon completion of the program
Given the majority of jobs available in the labor market require some degree of English proficiency, the core language for the delivery of oral and written trainings as well as other communications will be English. However, the majority of the Masarat training and support staff is bilingual and will be able to provide ad-hoc support in Arabic, whenever needed.
Given the nature of the trainings, you will have the choice to participate virtually or in person, depending on where the workshops are held and your access to transportation.
In order to successfully complete the program, candidates will have to attend every training session, as per their signed action plan. In exceptional cases where candidate is not able to attend one of the sessions for a reason that is out of their control, they will need to provide a notice of a minimum of 48 hours to the Masarat program team. They may then be offered the opportunity to attend one of the makeup sessions on a different date.
Jobs are not guaranteed upon completion of the trainings as candidates will still need to make sure to successfully pass the job interviews and make a good first impression in front of employers. However, the trainings provided will ensure you are well prepared and ready to successfully pass the interview and perform well on the job, which is half the battle.
While the core focus of the program revolves around providing opportunities within the private and semi-governmental sectors, candidates who secure opportunities in the public sector will not be dismissed (any form of employment is better than unemployment). However, based on the market trends and government agenda, demand in the private is likely to be higher than the public sector going forward.
Candidates who complete the program and are employed may still benefit from the ongoing support of the Masarat team throughout their employment journey. The Masarat team will follow up with candidates and employers throughout the first few months on the job to ensure things are going in the right direction.

Registration / Application Process


Scan the QR code and start filling out the initial interest form


Should you qualify, you will receive the next phase of the application asking key questions regarding your background.


Respond to a few short answer questions to help us gauge your career goals and motivation further.


Receive an invitation for a final interview.

If you are facing any issues with scanning the QR code, you are kindly requested to click on this link to register
For more information, you can reach out to us via:
[email protected]

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